CPF’s Worldwide operations are subsidiaries of CPF (Thailand) Public Company Limited with revenue of USD 17,000 million (*2022). CPF continues to invest internationally to maintain its world leadership position in the Animal Feed and Meat Processing Business and to fulfill its vision to be the "Kitchen of the World".
CPF has two main business operations: (1) Thailand and (2) Overseas, with major investments in Turkey, Malaysia, India, China, Laos, Taiwan, UK, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Pakistan.
The CP Group ( www.cpthailand.com ) is Thailand's largest Agriculture-based conglomerate with a total global turnover of USD 83,000 million, representing 15% of Thailand’s GDP, with offices in Asia, China, Europe, North America, Oceania, Africa, and the Middle East, to service the CP Group's business interests which comprises of 14 Business Units: (Agro-Industry & Food (CPF), Automotive, Crop Integration, Feed Ingredients Trading, Finance, International Trading, Information Technology, Pharmaceutical, Pet Food, Plastics, Property Development, Retail, Seeds Fertilizer & Plant Protection and Telecommunications)
Just a few notable facts with regard to CPG and CPF:
CPG currently employs over 500,000 people worldwide
CPF Globally is the world's largest animal feed manufacturer, producing more than 24 million tons at
various locations (see Wikipedia - Compound Feed)
CPF THAILAND manufactures 4 million tons of Animal Feed per year out of 12 Feed Mills,
one of which has a capacity of 120,000 tons per month.
CPF THAILAND slaughters 5 million Chickens a week (that's 260 million a year!)
CPF THAILAND produces 39 million Eggs a week (that's 2 billion a year!)
CPP's Hybrid Yellow Maize Seed can produce 6 tons/hectare (optimum conditions)
CPF's Poultry Feed can grow a D.O.C to 2kg in 35 days (optimum conditions)
CPF is the world’s No.1 producer of Swine
CPF is the world’s No.5 producer of Poultry (Chicken & Duck)
CPF is the world’s No.1 producer of Shrimp Feed for the Aquaculture business
CPF is one of the world's largest producers/exporters of Shrimp (Penaeus Vannamei)
CPG own Lotus’s Supermarket/Hypermarkets in Thailand, Malaysia & China
CP All has >15,000 7Eleven Stores nationwide in Thailand (www.7eleven.co.th), with over 15 million
visitors a day.
CP ALL has Siam Makro, 150 Big Box ‘Cash n Carry’ format stores in Thailand, Myanmar, China &
Our Core Values and Beliefs - For more than 100 years, the CP Group's operations and investments, both domestic and international, values the fundamental right to be free from hunger and firmly upholds our three- benefit philosophy that our work must serve to:
Benefit the Country ~ Benefit the People ~ Benefit the Company